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Fig. 12 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 12

From: Neuronal transcriptome, tau and synapse loss in Alzheimer’s knock-in mice require prion protein

Fig. 12

Synthetic gene expression profiles dependent on the interaction of DKI model with Prnp deletion. A Venn diagrams depicting the number of shared and unique DEGs between Prnp−/−, DKI, and DKI; Prnp−/− samples in 10 (left) and 20 month (right) excitatory neuronal cell populations. B The number of positive and negative DEGs detected within neuronal and glial cell populations DKI; Prnp−/− mice at 10 (left) and 20 months (right). C Heatmaps showing single DEG expressions of unique to DKI; Prnp−/− samples (arrows) as represented in A. D, E Venn diagrams demonstrating the shared DEG significance (Fisher’s Exact Test) between excitatory and inhibitory neuronal cell population at 10 months (D) and between cell populations of excitatory neurons at 10 and 20 months. F Volcano plots showing DEGs of 10 (left) and 20 month (right) excitatory neuronal cell populations as measured by snRNA-seq comparing DKI; Prnp−/− to WT samples

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