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Table 3 Linear mixed effect models showing EQ-5D utility and VAS trajectories

From: Health-related quality of life in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: a longitudinal cohort analysis


EQ-5D utility


Estimates (SE)

P value

Estimates (SE)

P value

Clinical stage

 < 0.001


 < 0.001







 − 0.015 (0.004)a


 − 1.695 (0.274)a



 − 0.077 (0.015)a


 − 4.401 (0.676)a



 − 0.053 (0.021)a


 − 4.999 (0.8)a



0.043 (0.158)


 − 15.386 (3.142)a


 Time (year)

 − 0.007 (0.001)

 < 0.001

 − 0.518 (0.062)

 < 0.001

Clinical stage × time interaction

 < 0.05


 SCD × time



 MCI × time

0 (0.002)


 Mild × time

0.005 (0.005)


 Moderate × time

 − 0.015 (0.006)a


 Severe × time

 − 0.09 (0.04)a

  1. Models adjusted for baseline age, sex, education, and BMI. We did not include clinical stage and time interaction term in the VAS model since there was no interaction effect and no model improvement
  2. VAS Visual analogue scale, SCD Subjective cognitive decline, MCI Mild cognitive impairment
  3. aStatistically significant