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Table 1 Description of the Tracking and Comprehensive cohorts of the CLSA at baseline

From: Cognitive impairment indicator for the neuropsychological test batteries in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: definition and evidence for validity

Demographic variables and sample sizes for cognitive tests

Tracking (N = 21,241)

Comprehensive (N = 30,097)

Age (years): mean (SD)

63.01 (10.67)

62.96 (10.25)

Sex: number (%) men

10,406 (49.0%)

14,777 (49.1%)

Education level: number (%)

  < high school

1986 (9.4%)

1643 (5.5%)

 High school graduate

2880 (13.6%)

2839 (9.4%)

 Some post-secondary

1620 (7.6%)

2238 (7.4%)

 Post-secondary degree/diploma

14,661 (69.1%)

23,327 (77.5%)




REY I immediate recall: number (%)


15,989 (81.7%)

23,456 (80.7%)


3587 (17.6%)

5615 (19.3%)

  (Missing or inconsistent)



REY II delayed recall: number (%)


16,038 (82.4%)

23,217 (80.7%)


3419 (17.6%)

5542 (19.3%)

  (Missing or inconsistent)



MAT: number (%)


15,781 (86.2%)

22,575 (80.5%)


2534 (13.8%)

5480 (19.5%)

  (Missing or inconsistent language used)



Animal Fluency: number (%)


16,783 (85.9%)

23,550 (81.6%)


2762 (14.1%)

5300 (18.4%)

  (Bilingual, missing or inconsistent language used)



Stroop Interference



24,323 (80.8%)



5746 (19.1%)




FAS total



22,886 (82.4%)



4905 (17.6%)

 Missing or inconsistent language used



  1. CLSA Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, SD standard deviation, REY I Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test immediate recall, REY II Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test 5-min delayed recall, MAT Mental Alternation Test, FAS Letters from the Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Stroop Interference Victoria Stroop Dots card/Colours card times