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Fig. 2 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 2

From: Habitual glucosamine use, APOE genotypes, and risk of incident cause-specific dementia in the older population

Fig. 2

Stratified analyses of the association between glucosamine use and incident Alzheimer’s disease. *Adjusted for age, sex (female or male), ethnicity (white, others), centers, body mass index, household income (< 18,000, 18,000–30,999, 31,000–51,999, 52,000–10,000, > 100,000 £/yr), Townsend deprivation index, smoking status (never, former, current), alcohol consumption (daily or almost daily, 3–4 times a week, once or twice a week, 1–3 times a month, never or special occasions only), optimal physical activity (yes or no), family history of dementia (yes or no), APOE ε4 dosage (0, 1, 2), self-reported diabetes (yes or no), self-reported hypertension (yes or no), self-reported arthritis (yes or no), history of cardiovascular disease (yes or no), antihypertensive drugs (yes or no), lipid treatment (yes or no), aspirin use (yes or no), non-aspirin NSAID use (yes or no), and insulin treatment (yes or no)

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