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Fig. 4 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: Gossypetin ameliorates 5xFAD spatial learning and memory through enhanced phagocytosis against Aβ

Fig. 4

Gossypetin enhances microglial phagocytosis against Aβ. AD Representative images of Aβ (6E10), Iba-1, and CD68 staining in hippocampus (A) and cortex of 5xFAD and gossypetin treated 5xFAD mice (C). Scale bar corresponds to 100μm. Bar graph represents quantification of phagosome formation (colocalization of Iba-1 and CD68) in hippocampus of 5xFAD treated with vehicle or gossypetin (n = 9 per group, 3~9 slices per brain slice) (B) and cortex (n = 7 per group, 3 slices per brain) (D). E, F Representative images of primary microglia treated with 488-Aβ and stained with Hoechst and Iba-1. Gossypetin (25μM) was pretreated for 24 h before 488-Aβ (250nM) treatment. Scale bar corresponds to 10 μm. E Bar graph represents quantification of area of internalized 488-Aβ in microglia (n = 3 per group, 50~104 cells per sample). Cytochalasin D (Cyto D), which is a phagocytosis inhibitor, was treated as a negative control (F). The error bars represent the mean ± SEM. ****p < 0.0001, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, ns = not significant, two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (F), Student’s t test (B, D)

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