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Fig. 4 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: The apolipoprotein receptor LRP3 compromises APP levels

Fig. 4

Low levels of LRP3 in AD frontal cortex. a qRT-PCR analysis showing expression of LRP3 mRNA in brain extracts from MA and Alzheimer’s disease-related (AD-r) subjects, and b categorized by Braak NFT stages (I–II, III–IV, and V–VI). 18S was used as an internal control for mRNA expression (n = 11 for MA, n = 12–14 for each AD-r Braak stage, *p < 0.05, t-test for MA v AD-r, t-test with Welch’s correction for MA v AD-r I–II). c Western blots showing different LRP3 immunoreactivities in human cortex extracts. Two bands were observed using an anti-C-terminal LRP3, but a single band was observed when an anti-N-terminal LRP3 was used, all between 70 and 100kDa. One of the bands immunoreacted to both antibodies, likely representing the full-length receptor. Accordingly, the overlapping band (*) was selected for quantification. d Western blot using an anti-C-terminal LRP3 in brain extracts from MA and AD-r subjects, categorized by Braak’s stages (NFT I–II, NFT III–IV, and NFT V–VI) and quantification of the lower band (marked with a *). Tubulin was used as an internal control (n = 11 for MA, n = 10–11 for each NFT Braak’s stage, *p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney test). e qRT-PCR analysis showing expression of LDLR mRNA in brain extracts from MA and AD-r subjects, categorized by Braak’s stages. 18s was used as an internal control for mRNA expression (n = 9 for MA, n = 10 for each Braak’s stage)

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