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Table 1 Demographics of amyloid-negative participants

From: Age, vascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease pathologies in amyloid negative elderly adults


Cognitively unimpaired (CU)

Cognitively impaired (CI)

Sample size



Age (median (IQR))



Education (median (IQR))

18 (2)

16 (5)

Females (no., %)

95 (63.8%)a

20 (38.5%)

APOE4 (no., %)

33 (22.1%)

5 (9.6%)

BMI (median (IQR))

26.7 (6.4)

27.6 (5.0)

Smoking history (no., %)

5 (3.4%)

5 (9.6%)

Diabetes (no., %)

18 (12.1%)

5 (9.6%)

Hyperlipidemia (no., %)

67 (45.0%)

25 (48.1%)

Hypertension (no., %)

54 (36.2%)

33 (63.5%)b

CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 (median (IQR))

0.086 (0.020)

0.088 (0.014)

Aβ PET centiloid (median (IQR))

4.09 (10.21)

4.02 (14.93)

CSF p-Tau/Aβ40 (median (IQR))

0.0009 (0.0002)

0.0010 (0.0002) c

WMH (median (IQR))

−2.96 (0.67)

−2.87 (0.71) d

PACC (median (IQR))

1.09 (3.61)

−4.65 (4.59) e

81 participants with aHCV and FDG

 Sample size



 aHCV (mm3) (median (IQR))

7723 (1064)

7319 (2683) f

 FDG SUVR (median (IQR))

1.32 (0.09)

1.29 (0.15) g

  1. ap = 0.002; bp = 0.001, Fisher’s exact test; cp = 0.030, dp = 0.063, ep < 0.001, fp = 0.054, gp = 0.057, Mann-Whitney U test
  2. Abbreviations: amyloid-β, aHCV adjusted hippocampal volume, BMI body mass index, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, FDG 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, IQR interquartile range, p-Tau phosphorylated tau, SUVR standardized uptake value ratio, WMH white matter hyperintensities