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Table 3 Main features of published clinical studies: study design, intervention, safety profile, and outcomes

From: Anticancer drugs repurposed for Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review


Study design

Study population



Treatment duration



Number of dropouts

Achievement of endpoints

Cummings et al. [52]

Phase II, proof-of-concept randomized double-blinded, parallel-group, placebo-controlled single-site study

Treatment group:

male 6/female 10

Age 74.9 ±6.6

Placebo group:

male 1/female 3

Age 78.1 ±8.0

NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for AD

Positive amyloid PET

Average MMSE

B, 13.7

P, 17.0

4:1 (n=20)

16 bexarotene

4 placebo

Drug-placebo change from baseline to week 4 of composite Aβ burden of the brain

Change in cognitive scores from baseline to week 4 (MMSE, ADAS-Cog, ADCS-ADL, NPI, CDR-SOB)

Change in Aβ40 and Aβ42

serum levels

4 weeks

Bexarotene (150mg/d) for 7d followed by 300mg/d from day 8 to 28

15/20 had increases in triglyceride levels (>200mg/dl) and cholesterol levels (>300mg/dl)

1 discontinued due to elevated triglyceride levels

All controls completed the study

1. Significant reduction in composite amyloid burden in ApoE-ε4 noncarriers

2. No cognitive improvements

Piette et al. [51]

Phase II, multicenter, randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled study

Treatment group:

male 11/female 15

Age 72 ±12

Placebo group:

male 2/female 6

Age 78 ±11

Mild to moderate AD (NINCD-ADRDA)

Median MMSE score

M, 19.1

P, 18

5:5:3 (n=34)

12 masitinib 3mg/kg/d

14 masitinib 6mg/kg/d

8 placebo

Improvement defined as a decrease ≥ 4 in ADAS-Cog

Improvement defined as an increase in ADCS-ADL ≥ 3, CIBIC-Plus, CDR, and MMSE


24 weeks

Masitinib (3 to 6mg/kg/d)

AEs (M), 65% (n=17)

AEs (P), 38% (n=3)

SAEs (M), 15% (n=4)

SAEs (P), 13% (n=1)

21 prematurely ended:

9 adverse events (M)

2 protocol violation (1M; 1 P)

2 withdrawal of consent (M)

8 investigator death (7M; 1 P)

1. ADAS-Cog worsening at 12 and 24 weeks (6% in masitinib, 50% in placebo, p=0.04; p=0.046)

2. ADCS-ADL improvement at 12 weeks (50% in masitinib, 0% in placebo, p=0.05)

Improvements not statistically significant at 24 weeks

3. MMSE significant difference between groups after 12 (p=0.047) and 24 weeks (p=0.031)

Turner et al. [53]

Phase II randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled single-site study

Subjects with mild to moderate AD (NIA-AA)

Treatment group:

male 3/female 14

Age 72.2 ±6.9

Placebo group:

male 2/female 6

Age 69.2 ±6.06

Average MMSE

N, 19.2

P, 19.8

CSF Aβ <1100pg/ml

or positive amyloid PET

1:1 (n=37)

17 nilotinib

20 placebo

Block randomization

Safety, tolerability


Effects on amyloid biomarkers on CSF Aβ42 and Aβ40, CNS amyloid burden

[PET], CSF p-tau, total tau, and hippocampal volume (MRI)

Clinical assessments (MMSE, ADAS-Cog, ADCS-ADL, NPI, CDR-SOB)

12 months

Nilotinib (150mg/d followed by 300mg/d)

SAEs 0% in the nilotinib group

Mood swings (70.6%) mainly with 300mg/d dosage

SAEs 25% in the placebo group

3 discontinued in placebo due to SAEs

3 voluntary discontinuation in nilotinib

1. Well-tolerated

2. Reduction in CNS amyloid burden and levels of CSF Aβ1-42, Aβ1-40, and p-tau with both dosages

3. Attenuation of hippocampal volume loss (−27%)

3. No significant efficacy in cognitive tests

Ghosal et al. [54]

Phase I



Placebo-controlled proof-of-mechanism study

Healthy subjects (median age 30–32 y) all carrying ApoE ε3/ε3

Treatment group:

female 6/male 0

Age 30.2±6.6

Placebo group:

male 3/female 3

Age 32±9.6

1:1 (n=12)

6 bexarotene

6 placebo

Atmospheric method for randomization

CNS penetration

Increment of ApoE

Alteration of Aβ Clearance

5 days

Bexarotene (450mg/d)

No SAEs were reported

3: increase triglyceride levels (>200 mg/ml)

1: increase cholesterol levels (>200mg/dl)

2: abnormal thyroid levels

No dropouts

1. Poor CNS penetration

Bexarotene plasma to CSF ratio 85:1

2. No effect on clearance of Aβ

Decourt et al. [48]

Phase II, randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled, single-site study

Male 16 (64%)

Treatment group:

male n.a./female n.a.

Age 73.6 ±8.22

Placebo group:

male n.a./female n.a.

Age 73.6 ±4.84

Probable AD for at least 1 year


Average MMSE

T, 21.8

P, 22.0

2:1 (n=25)

17 thalidomide

8 placebo

Safety, tolerability



24 weeks

Thalidomide (escalating dose regimens from 50 to 400 mg/d)

15/17 (88%) had AEs

All AEs were reported for both arms

10/17 (67%) in the thalidomide arm terminated early

2/4 (50%) in the placebo group terminated early

1. Not well-tolerated, poor safety

2. Results on clinical outcomes were negative