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Table 3 SCD-plus criteria and the risk of preclinical AD in individuals with available amyloid status (n = 114)

From: Subjective Cognitive Impairment Cohort (SCIENCe): study design and first results


Data availability (n)

Prevalence of SCD-plus criteriaa

Risk of preclinical ADb

in group with known amyloid status (n = 114)

Preclinical AD (n = 28)

Amyloid negative (n = 86)

Univariate model

Multivariate stepwise model

Memory specific decline


13 (59%)

37 (51%)

1.4 (0.5–3.6)


Onset < 5 years


12 (46%)

43 (51%)

0.8 (0.3–2.0)


Age ≥ 60 years


26 (93%)

54 (63%)

7.7 (1.7–34.6)

3.8 (1.7–20.4)

Experience of worse performance than others


13 (65%)

44 (63%)

1.1 (0.4–3.1)


Informant reports decline


15 (60%)

32 (44%)

1.9 (0.7–4.7)


APOE e4 carriership


17 (65%)

23 (27%)

5.0 (2.0–12.8)

6.2 (1.7–22.2)

  1. AD Alzheimer’s disease, APOE apolipoprotein E (genotype), SCD subjective cognitive decline
  2. aPrevalence of each SCD-plus criterion in individuals with and without preclinical AD, presented as n (%), within cases with amyloid status available (n = 114)
  3. bRisk of preclinical AD separately (univariate models) for each SCD-plus criterion and independent predictors of preclinical AD in a multivariate stepwise model in SCIENCe participants with available amyloid status (n = 114), presented as odds ratio (95% confidence interval)