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Table 3 Main characteristics of OND patients

From: A new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for neurofilament light in cerebrospinal fluid: analytical validation and clinical evaluation


OND group

Total (n = 36)


56.3 ± 17.5; 59 (11–82)


1 (18/18)

Specific diagnoses


13 (36.1%)

 Psychiatric disorders

10 (27.8%)

 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

5 (13.9%)

 Drug induced parkinsonism

4 (11.1%)

 Isolated cranial nerve palsy

2 (5.6%)

 Medically unexplained neurological symptoms

2 (5.6%)

CSF NfL (pg/ml)

577 ± 548; 361 (120–2680)

  1. Categorical variables are reported as numbers and percentages as compared to the reference group
  2. Continuous variables are reported as means ± standard deviations; median (range)
  3. CSF cerebrospinal fluid, NfL neurofilament light