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Table 3 Studies of mixed Alzheimer disease/vascular brain injury with Alzheimer disease defined by amyloid PET imaging

From: Clinical and imaging features of mixed Alzheimer and vascular pathologies



Age (years)

AD = PiB+


Mixed AD/VBI

Mixed AD/VBI findings

Samsung [42]

N = 45 SVD

severe WMH

74.2 ± 7.6


Pure SVD

Mixed AD/SVD

Mixed AD/SVD performed worse on delayed recall, had fewer lacunar infarcts and had greater hippocampal atrophy than pure SVD.

N = 31 (69%) PiB-

N = 14 (31%) PiB+

Samsung [43]

N = 68 SVD


Pure SVD

Mixed AD/SVD

Differentiation of mixed AD/SVD from pure SVD:

N = 45 (66.2%)

N = 23 (33.8%)

Hippocampal shape analysis: 95.7% sensitivity; 68.9% specificity



Amygdalar shape analysis: 87.0% sensitivity; 68.9%

Aging Brain Study [44]

N = 54



VBI: WMHs and infarcts


No relationship between VBI (infarcts or WMHs) and PiB


VBI is associated with impairment in EXEC

N = 33 PiB-

N = 27 VBI-

No relationship between PiB and cognition

N = 21 PiB+

N = 27 VBI+

Aging Brain Study [45]

N = 61



VBI: Infarcts


Infarction, particularly in cortical and subcortical gray matter, was associated with lower cognitive performance in all domains (P < 0.05 for all comparisons)

N = 32 PiB-

N = 27 infarct-

N = 29 PiB+

N = 34 infarct+

Aging Brain Study [46]

N = 43

78.9 (6.7)

FCRP accounted for 16% of the variance in PiB index (P < 0.008) and the positive association remained significant controlling for age and sex, and apolipoprotein E genotype

Aging Brain Study [47]

N = 74


Higher LDL-C and lower HDL-C levels were both associated with a higher PiB index, independent of apolipoprotein E genotype

33 NCI

38 MCI

3 CDR1

Aging Brain Study [48]

N = 67


A relationship between Aβ and memory was mediated by cortical thickness.

35 NCI

The relationship between Aβ and cortical thickness was eliminated after controlling for FCRP, except in PiB+ subjects (n = 22), where Aβ remained associated with thinner cortex in precuneus and occipital lobe

31 MCI

1 CDR1

Vascular risk and Aβ both contribute to cortical thickness

  1. Aβ, amyloid-beta; AD, Alzheimer disease; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; EXEC, executive score; FCRP, Framingham Coronary Risk Profile; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; NCI, no cognitive impairment; PET, positron emission tomography; PiB, Pittsburgh Imaging Compound B; SVD, subcortical vascular dementia; VBI, vascular brain injury; WMH, white matter hyperintensity.