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Table 1 Baseline characteristics for 537 participants included from ADNIa

From: Progression analysis versus traditional methods to quantify slowing of disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease


Mean age, years

Male, n

Median CDR-SB

Median MMSE






  1. aThis cohort was used to simulate a placebo arm of a clinical trial in amyloid-positive MCI patients. The CDR scale is a staging tool used to determine the severity of dementia-related symptoms across six domains (three cognition domains: memory, orientation, judgment & problem solving; three functional domains: community affairs, home & hobbies, and personal care) each of which is scored between 0 and 3 following a semi-structured interview. The CDR-SB score is the sum of all six domain scores (range 0–18) and is considered a more sensitive measure of dementia severity compared to the alternative CDR-Global score [44]