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Table 2 Biomarker data of the study cohort

From: Macular vessel density in the superficial plexus is not a proxy of cerebrovascular damage in non-demented individuals: data from the NORFACE cohort


Whole cohort (n = 188)

SCD (n = 89)

MCI (n = 99)


A + status

53 (28.19%)

28 (31.46%)

25 (25.25%)

0.434 b

Brain MRI

 Fazekas category 2–3

20 (10.64%)

13 (14.61%)

7 (7.07%)

0.151 b

 WMH volume (mm3)

3203.91 ± 4506.54

3408.14 ± 4752.04

3020.31 ± 4289.90

0.559 a


 VD nasal

47.66 ± 3.81

47.03 ± 3.16

48.23 ± 4.24

0.028* a

 VD superior

48.67 ± 4.74

48.11 ± 4.18

49.17 ± 5.16

0.124 a

 VD temporal

45.83 ± 3.42

44.97 ± 2.94

46.59 ± 3.65

0.001* a

 VD inferior

47.81 ± 5.44

46.89 ± 4.40

48.65 ± 6.14

0.024* a

  1. Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation for quantitative variables and n (%) for qualitative variables
  2. A + status was defined as FBB-PET Centiloid > 13.5 in the FACEHBI study and CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio < 0.063 in the BIOFACE study
  3. Abbreviations: A Amyloid, MCI Mild cognitive impairment, MRI Magnetic resonance imaging, OCT-A Optical coherence tomography – angiography, SCD Subjective cognitive decline, VD Vessel density, WMH White matter hyperintensity
  4. *Significance was set up at p < 0.05
  5. aStudent’s t test; bPearson’s chi-square test