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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of commercially insured adults with early-onset dementia overall and by receipt of central nervous system polypharmacy

From: Prevalence and trend of central nervous system–active medication polypharmacy among US commercially insured adults with vs without early-onset dementia: a multi-year cross-sectional study


Overall sample

No. (%)

With CNS polypharmacy

No. (%)

Without CNS polypharmacy

No. (%)

P value


37,563 (100)

8,960 (100)

28,603 (100)


Age, y



 Mean (SD)

55.9 (7.0)

56.0 (6.9)

55.9 (7.1)


 ≤ 44

3532 (9.4)

777 (8.7)

2755 (9.6)



3463 (9.2)

839 (9.4)

2624 (9.2)



5764 (15.3)

1373 (15.3)

4391 (15.4)



9468 (15.6)

2346 (26.2)

7122 (24.9)



15336 (40.8)

3625 (40.5)

11,711 (40.9)




 < .001


16,279 (43.3)

3225 (36.0)

13,054 (45.6)



21,284 (56.7)

5735 (64.0)

15,549 (54.4)






27,138 (72.3)

6408 (71.5)

20,730 (72.5)



10,425 (27.8)

2552 (28.5)

7873 (27.5)


US Region


 < .001


7618 (20.3)

1473 (16.4)

6145 (21.5)



8025 (21.4)

1965 (21.9)

6060 (21.2)



17,316 (46.1)

4496 (50.2)

12,820 (44.8)



4604 (12.3)


3578 (12.5)


Clinical condition



18,019 (48.0)

7048 (78.7)

10,971 (38.4)

 < .001

 Psychotic disorder

2642 (7.0)

1235 (13.8)

1407 (4.9)

 < .001

 Behavioral symptoms

7361 (19.6)

2679 (29.9)

4682 (16.4)

 < .001

 Chronic pain

16,346 (43.5)

5326 (59.4)

11,020 (38.5)

 < .001


4327 (11.5)

1742 (19.4)

2585 (9.0)

 < .001


3916 (10.4)

1500 (16.7)

2416 (8.5)

 < .001

 Substance use disorder

4459 (11.9)

1897 (21.2)

2562 (9.0)

 < .001

 CCI (Mean ± SD)

2.2 ± 2.0

2.7 ± 2.1

2.0 ± 1.9

 < .001

Subtype of indexed ADRD diagnosis


 < .001

 Dementia with Lewy bodies

495 (1.3)

145 (1.6)

350 (1.2)


 Frontotemporal dementia

1160 (3.1)

246 (2.8)

914 (3.2)


 Vascular dementia

3132 (8.3)

821 (9.2)

2303 (8.1)


 AD/senile dementia

5333 (14.2)

965 (10.7)

4368 (15.3)


 Dementia unspecified

27451 (73.1)

6783 (75.7)

20668 (72.3)


Year of indexed ADRD diagnosis




6020 (16.0)

1428 (15.9)

4592 (16.1)



4898 (13.0)

1158 (12.9)

3740 (13.1)



5640 (15.0)

1396 (15.6)

4244 (14.8)



5487 (14.6)

1348 (15.0)

4139 (14.5)



4325 (11.5)

1048 (11.7)

3277 (11.5)



4070 (10.8)

951 (10.6)

3119 (10.9)



3879 (10.3)

821 (9.2)

3058 (10.7)



3244 (8.6)

810 (9.0)

2434 (8.5)

  1. Abbreviations: AD Alzheimer’s disease, ADRD Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, CNS central nervous system, SD standard deviation