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Table 3 Demographical and clinical data of patients’ groups

From: Heterogeneity and overlap in the continuum of linguistic profile of logopenic and semantic variants of primary progressive aphasia: a Profile Analysis based on Multidimensional Scaling study

Demographic and clinical data

Patients group

svPPA (20)

lvPPA (19)

lvPPA + (23)

Mixed-PPA (5)

Gender, M|F





Age, years, mean (SD)

67.95 (7.94)

68.37 (6.13)

71.74 (7.53)

67.60 (6.22)

Education, years, mean (SD)

11.50 (4.28)

11.11 (3.19)

11.70 (4.80)

11.40 (4.66)

Disease duration, months, mean (SD)

27.95 (15.8)

20.63 (8.64)a

32.00 (13.95)a

24.00 (20.78)

MMSE, Corrected score, mean (SD)

22.56 (5.46)a

20.98 (5.21)

16.81 (6.30)a

23.05 (2.73)

  1. svPPA semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia, lvPPA logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia meeting canonical criteria, lvPPA + logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia with additional symptoms, mixed-PPA mixed variant of primary progressive aphasia, all subjects are semantic-logopenic, SD standard deviation, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
  2. aSignificant difference after Bonferroni’s correction