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Table 1 Description of the scores considered for semantic, phonologic, and working memory domains of error

From: Heterogeneity and overlap in the continuum of linguistic profile of logopenic and semantic variants of primary progressive aphasia: a Profile Analysis based on Multidimensional Scaling study

Error classification

Type of error

SAND task


Semantic errors in naming

Errors in word comprehension

Stress errors in reading

Errors in semantic association

PD: N° nouns/N° words

PD: N° verbs/N° words

PD: N° self-corrected sequences/N° words

PD: N° semantic errors/N° words


Phonological errors in naming

Phonological errors in word repetition

Phonological errors in non-word repetition

Phonological errors in sentence repetition

Phonological errors in word reading

Phonological errors in non-word reading

PD: N° phonological errors/N° words


Working memory errors in long sentences in sentence comprehension

Working memory errors in sentence repetition

  1. PD picture description, N° number, SEM semantic, PHON phonologic, WM working memory