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Table 6 Plasma p-tau217 concentrations across different pre-analytical handling conditions

From: Effects of certain pre-analytical factors on the performance of plasma phospho-tau217

CSF Aβ42/Aβ40

Total (n = 100)

+ (n = 50)

(n = 50)


vs Aβ+

Plasma p-tau217, pg/ml

 Cond 1: thaw at RT, NC

0.31 (0.42–0.20)

0.40 (0.51–0.31)

0.22 (0.31–0.17)

 < 0.001

 Cond 2: thaw at RT, C

0.23 (0.32–0.14)

0.31 (0.43–0.25)

0.15 (0.21–0.13)

 < 0.001

 Cond 3: thaw on ice, NC

0.26 (0.35–0.19)

0.34 (0.47–0.27)

0.20 (0.23–0.16)

 < 0.001

 Cond 4: thaw on ice, C

0.23 (0.33–0.16)

0.32 (0.44–0.26)

0.16 (0.21–0.14)

 < 0.001

Plasma p-tau217, pg/ml

 Cond 1: thaw at RT, NC, fxt-1

0.30 (0.42–0.22)

0.37 (0.48–0.30)

0.22 (0.28–0.16)

 < 0.001

 Cond 2: thaw at RT, C, fxt-1

0.19 (0.28–0.15)

0.27 (0.34–0.21)

0.16 (0.18–0.12)

 < 0.001

 Cond 3: thaw at RT, NC, fxt-2

0.31 (0.39–0.22)

0.36 (0.47–0.31)

0.23 (0.30–0.17)

 < 0.001

 Cond 4: thaw at RT, C, fxt-2

0.19 (0.29–0.15)

0.27 (0.35–0.20)

0.16 (0.19–0.13)

 < 0.001

 Cond 5: thaw at RT, NC, fxt-3

0.31 (0.42–0.23)

0.40 (0.47–0.32)

0.24 (0.30–0.19)

 < 0.001

 Cond 6: thaw at RT, C, fxt-3

0.21 (0.27–0.16)

0.27 (0.37–0.22)

0.17 (0.20–0.14)

 < 0.001

  1. Data are shown as median (Interquartile range). Group differences were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney test. Abbreviations: Aβ+Amyloid-β positive, Amyloid-β negative, C Centrifugation, Cond Condition, fxt Freeze–thaw cycle, NC Non-centrifugation, RT Room temperature