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Table 2 Spearman correlations between plasma p-tau217 and CSF Aβ42/Aβ40

From: Effects of certain pre-analytical factors on the performance of plasma phospho-tau217

Plasma p-tau217

CSF Aβ42/Aβ40

R (p-value, adjusted/unadjusted)

All (n = 100)

 Cond 1: thaw at RT, NC

 − 0.515 (< 0.001/ < 0.001)

 Cond 2: thaw at RT, C

 − 0.636 (< 0.001/ < 0.001)

 Cond 3: thaw on ice, NC

 − 0.607 (< 0.001/ < 0.001)

 Cond 4: thaw on ice, C

 − 0.652 (< 0.001/ < 0.001)

+ (n = 50)

 Cond 1: thaw at RT, NC

 − 0.215 (0.172/0.133)

 Cond 2: thaw at RT, C

 − 0.394 (0.010/0.005)

 Cond 3: thaw on ice, NC

 − 0.284 0.079/0.046)

 Cond 4: thaw on ice, C

 − 0.406 (0.007/0.003)

(n = 50)

 Cond 1: thaw at RT, NC

0.230 (0.162/0.108)

 Cond 2: thaw at RT, C

0.073 (0.615/0.615)

 Cond 3: thaw on ice, NC

0.210 (0.172/0.143)

 Cond 4: thaw on ice, C

0.105 (0.511/0.468)

  1. Data are shown as Spearman correlation coefficients (p-values, adjusted/unadjusted) with significant results highlighted in bold. Abbreviations: Aβ+ Amyloid-β positive, Amyloid-β negative, C Centrifugation, Cond Condition, CSF Cerebrospinal fluid, NC Non-centrifugation, RT Room temperature