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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and changing rates of the study participants

From: A longitudinal study of polygenic score and cognitive function decline considering baseline cognitive function, lifestyle behaviors, and diabetes among middle-aged and older US adults


European Americans

(N = 12090)

African Americans

(N = 3100)

Mean age (SD), years

68.56 (11.61)

62.99 (10.86)

Female (%)

6894 (57.0)

1910 (61.6)

Mean years of education (SD)

13.26 (2.53)

12.18 (2.89)

Ever drinker, N (%)

6388 (58.6)

1399 (49.1)

Ever smoker, N (%)

6138 (56.6)

1705 (60.1)

Mean body mass index (SD), kg/m2

27.97 (5.87)

30.28 (7.00)

Mean physical activity index (SD)

12.06 (4.30)

11.20 (4.16)

Mean baseline cognitive function (SD)

 Word recall

10.04 (3.38)

8.84 (3.25)

 Mental status

12.90 (2.17)

11.17 (2.75)

 Total cognitive function

22.51 (4.70)

19.80 (5.16)

Mean annual changing rates (SD)

 Word recall

− 0.24 (0.20)

− 0.16 (0.18)

 Mental status

− 0.18 (0.14)

− 0.21 (0.21)

 Total cognitive function

− 0.57 (0.32)

− 0.56 (0.38)

APOE genotypes, N (%)


77 (0.6)

35 (1.1)


1551 (12.8)

433 (14.0)


253 (2.1)

145 (4.7)


7306 (60.4)

1428 (46.1)


2658 (22.0)

926 (29.9)


244 (2.0)

133 (4.3)

  1. SD standard deviation