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Table 1 Demographics, cognitive outcomes, and plasma biomarker values

From: Performance of plasma Aβ42/40, measured using a fully automated immunoassay, across a broad patient population in identifying amyloid status


Amyloid PET






Median (IQR) or N (%)


N = 174

65 (37.4%)

109 (62.6%)



75 (70–80)

69 (60–75)

< 0.001

Sex, No. of men/women

33/32 (50.8%)

53/56 (48.6%)


APOE ɛ4, No. of positive participants (%)

36/29 (55.4%)

25/84 (22.9%)

< 0.001

MMSE scorea

24 (21–27.5)


< 0.001

ADAS-Cog scoreb

11.2 (6.3–20.0)

4.7 (3.1–7.5)

< 0.001

Aβ42/40 (× 10–2)

8.49 (8.23–8.87)

10.9 (10.2–11.3)

< 0.001

p-tau181 (pg/ml)c

3.47 (2.58–4.31)

1.73 (1.32–2.33)

< 0.001

GFAP (pg/ml)d

365 (281–542)

213 (162–283)

< 0.001

NfL (pg/ml)e

25.4 (19.6–32.8)

18.8 (15.1–25.8)

< 0.001

Clinical diagnosis


< 0.001


10 (15.4%)

48 (44.0%)



23 (35.4%)

20 (18.3%)



27 (41.5%)

5 (4.6%)



4 (6.2%)

20 (18.3%)



1 (1.5%)

4 (3.7%)



0 (0%)

12 (11.0%)

  1. Positive amyloid PET was determined via visual reading
  2. Abbreviations: IQR interquartile range, APOE apolipoprotein E, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, ADAS-Cog Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Behavior Section, Aβ42/40 amyloid β 42/40 ratio, p-tau181 tau protein phosphorylated at residue 181, NfL neurofilamsent light, GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein, HC healthy control, MCI mild cognitive impairment, AD Alzheimer's disease, FTLD frontotemporal lobar degeneration, DLB/PD dementia with Lewy bodies/Parkinson's disease
  3. a N = 65/106
  4. b N = 64/106
  5. c N = 64/108
  6. d N = 63/106
  7. e N = 65/108 for Aβ PET-positive and -negative participants, respectively