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Table 1 Demographics and CSF biomarker concentrations

From: Diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ ratios in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease

Gender (male/female)


LVF (number of words)

36.0 (10.8, 17–64)

Age (years)

73 (4.7, 65–80)

RPM (/60)

36.1 (9.8, 15–53)

Education (years)

13.4 (3.1, 8–20)


2.4 (0.5, 1.5–3.8)

APOE ε4 carriers (n)

19 (50 %)

Aβ38 (pg/ml)

2401 (654, 1057–3505)

BDNF met carriers (n)

20 (53 %)

Aβ40 (pg/ml)

8933 (2456, 3640–13273)

MMSE (/30)

28.9 (1.0, 27–30)

Aβ42 (pg/ml)

996 (430, 351–1859)

AVLT TL (/75)

46.2 (8.4, 31–69)

ttau (pg/ml)

360 (134, 126–660)

AVLT DR (/15)

9.8 (2.5, 5–14)


0.412 (0.119, 0.136–0.596)


83.7 (11.7, 55–108)


0.110 (0.030, 0.044–0.148)

BNT (/60)

54.2 (4.2, 41–60)


3.015 (1.246, 0.749–5.128)

AVF (number of words)

24.0 (5.5, 14–40)

Amyloid+ (n)

7 (18 %)

  1. Data presented as mean (standard deviation, range)
  2. amyloid beta, APOE apolipoprotein E, AVF Animal Verbal Fluency Test, AVLT Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BNT Boston Naming Test, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, DR delayed recall, LVF Letter Verbal Fluency Test, MMSE Mini Mental State Examination, RPM Raven’s Progressive Matrices, TL total learning, TMT Trail Making Test (part B divided by part A), ttau total tau