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Table 3 Adjusted odds ratios for characteristics of patients with cardiovascular drugs compared to persons without cardiovascular medication, Swedish Dementia Registry 2007 to 2012

From: Cardiovascular medication burden in dementia disorders: a nationwide study of 19,743 dementia patients in the Swedish Dementia Registry


Patients with CV medication (n= 13,847)


1.02 (1.01 to 1.02)*

Male gender

1.45 (1.34 to 1.57)*


1.02 (1.01 to 1.03)*

Living alone

0.75 (0.69 to 0.81)*


1.08 (0.98 to 1.19)

NMDA antagonists

0.98 (0.85 to 1.12)

Total number of drugs

1.53 (1.50 to 1.56)*

Dementia disorder





1.57 (1.43 to 1.73)*


2.14 (1.89 to 2.44)*


0.71 (0.58 to 0.87)*


0.91 (0.71 to 1.17)


0.31 (0.24 to 0.40)*

  1. Age, MMSE and total number of drugs were analyzed as continuous variables. Odds ratios with 95% confidence interval adjusted for all variables in this table. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; ChEI, cholinesterase inhibitor; CV, cardiovascular; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; MixD, mixed dementia; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; NMDA, N-methyl-d-aspartate; PDD, Parkinson’s disease dementia; VaD, vascular dementia. *Statistically significant at the level of P < 0.001.