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Table 2 Distribution of apoE glycosylation percentages in both plasma and CSF and AD biomarkers by clinical status of the participants

From: An association of CSF apolipoprotein E glycosylation and amyloid-beta 42 in individuals who carry the APOE4 allele


AD dementia (n = 16)

MCI (n = 16)

NCI (n = 74)


Plasma total glycosylation %

10.7 (9.10, 13.6)

11.6 (9.83, 14.2)

12.4 (10.3, 15.4)


CSF total glycosylation %

69.9 (3.69)

71.3 (3.56)

67.6 (3.95)


CSF secondary glycosylation %

22.6 (4.69)

27.6 (4.08)

21.8 (3.83)

< 0.001a,c

CSF Aβ42 (pg/mL)

291 (195, 478)

800 (597, 933)

223 (149, 457)

< 0.001a,c

CSF Tau (pg/mL)

486 (333, 588)

215 (160, 284)

336 (232, 475)


pTau (pg/mL)

84.8 (78.0, 106)

63.0 (46.1, 74.4)

54.3 (42.0, 73.3)

< 0.001b,c

  1. Glycosylation/biomarker data are means (SD), for normally distributed data, and medians (IQR), for non-normally distributed data
  2. MCI, mild cognitive impairment; NCI, no cognitive impairment
  3. aNCI-MCI: CSF total glycosylation % (p = 0.005), CSF secondary glycosylation % (p < 0.001), CSF Aβ42 (p < 0.001), CSF tau (p = 0.006)
  4. bNCI-AD: pTau (p = 0.004)
  5. cMCI-AD: CSF secondary glycosylation (p = 0.007), CSF Aβ42 (p = 0.013), CSF tau (p = 0.011), pTau (p = 0.017)