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Fig. 3 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Different effects of cardiometabolic syndrome on brain age in relation to gender and ethnicity

Fig. 3

Ethnic- and gender-specific difference in BAI between participants with and without T2DM and HTN. Values depicted in the bar plot represent the mean of BAI, and values depicted in the error bar represent the standard error of mean. BAI = 0 indicates that the chronological age is the same as the predicted brain age, with higher values indicating an older-appearing brain than chronological age. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates the following: q-values, FDR-corrected p-values, were obtained using linear regression analyses with adding each two-way interaction term (the presence of each CMS component*gender) to covariates in Korean and UK populations after controlling for the other CMS components. Yen (¥) symbol indicates the following: q-values, FDR-corrected p-values, were obtained using linear regression analyses with additionally adding each three-way interaction term (the presence of each CMS component*gender*ethnicity) to covariates after controlling for the other CMS components. BAI, brain age index; Kor, Korea; UK, United Kingdom; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension

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