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Table 2 List of EEG features evaluated in this study

From: Selection of the optimal channel configuration for implementing wearable EEG devices for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment


Mathematical expression

Absolute power spectrum density (APSD)a

\(\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{n=1}^Nx(n){e}^{-i2\pi fn/N}\)  

Relative power spectrum density (RPSD)

Absolute PSD of specific band/absolute PSD of total band

Differential asymmetry (DASM) [32]

Difference between absolute PSDs of inter-hemispheric electrode pairs

Rational asymmetry (RASM) [32]

Ratio between absolute PSDs of inter-hemispheric electrode pairs

Phase-amplitude coupling (PAC)[38]

\({\textrm{coherence}}_{fph}\left({X}_{ph},{\overset{\sim }{A}}_{ph}\right)\)

Shannon entropy (SE) [39]

\(-\sum\limits_{i=1}^Np\left({x}_i\right)\ln p\left({x}_i\right),\textrm{where}\sum\limits_{i=1}^Np\left({x}_i\right)=1\)  

Hjorth parameters (HP)[40]


\(\textbf{Mobility}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right)=\sqrt{\frac{\upsigma \left({\textrm{x}}^{\prime}\right)}{\upsigma \left(\textrm{x}\right)}}\)


Lyapunov exponent (LE)[41]

\(\lambda (i)=\frac{1}{i\Delta t}\frac{1}{K}\sum\limits_{\textrm{j}=1}^K\ln \frac{d_j(i)}{d_j(0)}\)  

Hurst exponent (HE)[42]

log(R/S)/ log(N)

Kolmogorov complexityf(KC) [43]


  1. x represents the EEG time-series data and aN indicates the length of the data. b The coherence here is the coherence at frequency fph between the time-varying energy of the high-frequency signal (\({\overset{\sim }{A}}_{ph}\)) and the unfiltered raw signal believed to contain the modulating frequency (Xph), cμi represents the mean of x, x represents the derivative of x, and σ(x) represents the standard deviation of x. dt is the sampling period of the EEG time series, K is the embedding dimension, dj(0) is the initial distance from the jth point to its nearest neighbor, and dj(i) is the distance between the jth pair of nearest neighbors after i discrete time steps. eN is the length of the data sample, R is the difference between the maximum deviation from the mean and the minimum deviation from the mean, and S is the standard deviation. fn is the length of the time-series data, c(n) reflects the relative complexity of the data, and b(n) is the ratio between n and log(n). The details are described in the Supplementary Material