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Table 6 Cross-tissue analysis of male samples prioritized a total of 6 significant CpGs. These 6 CpGs reached a P-value < 10−5 in cross-tissue meta-analyses that included both brain and blood samples, and nominal significance (i.e., P-value < 0.05) in sex-specific meta-analyses of each tissue. The brain sample meta-analysis results were obtained from Zhang et al. [36]. Among the 6 CpGs, 2 CpGs also achieved P-value < 10−5 in brain sample meta-analysis and nominal significance in blood sample meta-analysis. Direction indicates hypermethylation (+) or hypomethylation (−) in individual brain or blood sample datasets. Annotations include nearby genes based on GREAT annotation and overlap with enhancer regions identified in the Nasser et al. [53] study. Highlighted in red are gene promoter regions overlapped with the significant CpGs

From: Distinct sex-specific DNA methylation differences in Alzheimer’s disease

  1. *These CpGs also achieved P-value < 10−5 in brain sample meta-analysis and nominal significance in blood sample meta-analysis