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Table 4 Results from meta-analysis of methylation-by-sex interaction effect in the analysis of blood samples in ADNI and AIBL datasets. Inverse-variance weighted fixed-effects meta-analysis models were used to combine dataset-specific results from logistic regression models that included methylation beta values, sex, methylation beta values*sex and covariate variables age, batch (i.e., methylation plate), and estimated immune cell-type proportions. For each CpG, annotations include the location of the CpG based on hg19/GRCh37 genomic annotation (chr, position), Illumina gene annotations, overlap with enhancer regions identified in Nasser et al. [53] study (enhancer). Odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals (OR, 95% CI) describe changes in odds of AD (on the multiplicative scale) associated with a one percent increase in methylation beta values (i.e., increase in methylation beta values by 0.01) after adjusting for covariate variables. Direction indicates hypermethylation (+) or hypomethylation (−) in AD samples in the ADNI and AIBL datasets

From: Distinct sex-specific DNA methylation differences in Alzheimer’s disease