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Fig. 3 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Dynamic network model reveals distinct tau spreading patterns in early- and late-onset Alzheimer disease

Fig. 3

Dynamics of tau spreading across the pseudo-longitudinal order in YCU/EOCI and OCU/LOCI. Left column displays mean number of edges departed from each lobar area and group composition across tau spreading networks for YCU/EOCI (a) and OCU/LOCI (b) groups. Averaged brain-wide network for each segment is represented using connectogram in right column. Regions are labeled with the abbreviations of the region names in the Desikan-Killiany cortical atlas and colors for their corresponding cortical lobes. Lines connecting two regions (out-edges) are marked with the lobar colors for their origin. Abbreviations: YCU and OCU, young and old cognitively unimpaired; EOCI and LOCI, cognitively impaired due to early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease; pAD, prodromal Alzheimer’s disease; AD, Alzheimer’s disease dementia; LH, left hemisphere; RH, right hemisphere. Region labels: frontal (CMF = caudal middle frontal, LOF = lateral orbitofrontal, MOF = medial orbitofrontal, PaC = paracentral, POp = pars opercularis, POr = pars orbitalis, PTr = pars triangularis, PrC = precentral, RMF = rostral middle frontal, SF = superior frontal, FPo = frontal pole), temporal (BSTS = banks of the superior temporal sulcus, Fu = fusiform, IT = inferior temporal, MT = middle temporal, ST = superior temporal, TPo = temporal pole, TT = transverse temporal), parietal (IP = inferior parietal, PoC = postcentral, PC = precuneus, SP = superior parietal, SM = supramarginal), occipital (Cu = cuneus, LO = lateral occipital, Li = lingual, PCa = pericalcarine), and limbic (CACg = caudal anterior cingulate, En = entorhinal, IsCg = isthmus cingulate, PH = parahippocampal, PCg = posterior cingulate, RACg = rostral anterior cingulate, In = insula) lobes

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