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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: The cerebrospinal fluid biomarker ratio Aβ42/40 identifies amyloid positron emission tomography positivity better than Aβ42 alone in a heterogeneous memory clinic cohort

Patients, N


Male, n (%)

46 (44.66)

Female, n (%)

57 (55.34)

Mean age ± SD, years (range)

66.37 ± 9.75 (43–84)

Median interval between PET and CSF, days (IQR)

41 (16–94)

PET positive, n (%)

54 (52.43)

PET negative, n (%)

49 (47.57)

PET tracer, n (%)


67 (65.05)


14 (13.59)


22 (21.36)


 MCI due to AD, n (%)

44 (42.72)

  PET positivea

27 (61.36)

  High likelihooda, b

15 (34.09)

  Unlikely due to ADa

12 (27.27)


17 (38.63)

  AT(N) pathologya


10 (22.72)


2 (4.55)


15 (34.09)


0 (0)


5 (11.36)


0 (0)


0 (0)


12 (27.27)

 Mild/moderate dementia due to AD, n (%)

27 (26.21)

  PET positivea

23 (85.19)

  High biomarker probabilitya

18 (66.66)


9 (33.33)

  A/T/(N) pathologya


5 (18.52)


1 (3.70)


17 (62.96)


0 (0)


3 (11.11)


0 (0)


0 (0)


1 (3.70)

 FTLD, n (%)

17 (16.50)

  PET positivea

2 (11.77)


6 (35.29)


3 (17.65)


8 (47.06)

 Other, nc (%)

15 (14.56)

  PET positivea

2 (13.33)

  1. A Aβ pathology based on amyloid PET positivity, AD Alzheimer’s disease, bvFTD behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, FTLD frontotemporal lobar degeneration, IQR interquartile range, MCI mild cognitive impairment, (N) neuronal injury based on CSF tTau positivity, nfvPPA non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia, PiB Pittsburgh Compound B, PET positron emission tomography, SD standard deviation, svPPA semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia, T tau pathology based on CSF pTau181 positivity
  2. a Percentages calculated based on patient subgroup as the denominator; b Criteria for likelihood based on recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease [18]; c There were eight patients diagnosed with MCI of unclear origin, five with depression, one with alcohol dependence, and one with subjective cognitive decline