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Table 1 Sample search strategy for Embase

From: Altered central and blood glutathione in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis

Search strategy


“Alzheimer Disease” OR “Dementia” OR “Dementia, Vascular” OR “Dementia, multi-infarct” OR “cognitive dysfunction”

Method of measurement

“Magnetic resonance spectroscopy” OR

“Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”


Mild Cognitively Impaired and/or Alzheimer Disease vs. Controls


“Glutathione” OR “Oxidative Stress” OR “Antioxidants”

Type of question


Type of study

Randomized controlled trials, controlled trials, prospective/cohort/longitudinal follow-up studies, cross sectional studies, case control studies

EXCLUDE: case reports, research in progress, conference abstracts, dissertations, books, scientific meeting reports