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Table 1 Characteristics of the sporadic CAA patients and controls

From: Cerebrospinal fluid levels of the neurotrophic factor neuroleukin are increased in early Alzheimer’s disease, but not in cerebral amyloid angiopathy


CAA (n = 25)

Controls (n = 27)


Age (years)

66 ± 10

63 ± 10

p = 0.32a

Sex, M/F (n)



p = 0.59b

MMSE score

28 [26–29]d



TP (mg/ml)

0.91 [0.85–0.96]

0.83 [0.78–1.03]

p = 0.12c

Aβ40 (pg/ml)

3745 [2200–4694]

6312 [4888–7381]

p < 0.0001c

NLK (ng/ml)

3.39 [2.94–4.15]

3.31 [2.41–5.40]

p = 0.95c

  1. Values are medians and [IQR] except for age (mean ± SD) and sex (n). TP, NLK, and Aβ40 were measured in CSF
  2. Abbreviations: Aβ40 amyloid beta-40, CAA cerebral amyloid angiopathy, F female, IQR interquartile range, M male, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, N.A. not available, NLK neuroleukin, SD standard deviation, TP total protein
  3. aStudent’s t-test
  4. bChi-square test
  5. cMann-Whitney test
  6. dn = 15 patients