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Table 1 Clinician consensus table of speech and language characteristics

From: Correlating natural language processing and automated speech analysis with clinician assessment to quantify speech-language changes in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s dementia


Clinical features

Word-finding difficulty

Reduction in content words, circumlocution, and false starts [19]

Pauses while searching for words [12]

Fluency (rate, phrase length, amount of hesitation)

Revisions (repetitions of complete words or phrases/elaborations), and indefinite terms (fillers)


Coherence is the orderly flow of information within discourse (graph features), and a marker of how well discourse is connected within words, sentences, and overall speech (local and global coherence) [20,21,22,23]

Incoherence is characterized by disorganized speech, derailment or sudden topic shifts, tangentiality, flight of ideas, or word salad [13, 18, 24, 25].


Repetition of word or phrase even after the stimulus for the behavior (word or phrase) has been taken away [18, 26]

Persistence of behavior (word or phrase) despite repeated failure

Intrusion: inappropriate repetition of prior responses after intervening stimuli [27]

Errors in Speech

Phonetic errors (omissions, additions, substitutions, distortions) [28]

Stuttering [18]

Sequences of phonemic approximation