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Table 1 Exclusion criteria for clinical trial pre-screening eligibility at Fundació ACE

From: The role of sex and gender in the selection of Alzheimer patients for clinical trial pre-screening

Age: age < 50 or > 85 years

Comorbidities: cardiac disorders (such as acute myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, syncope or cardiac arrest), Parkinson’s disease, previous history of cerebrovascular disease (stroke, cadasil, cerebral amyloid angiopathy), kidney disease, epilepsy, chronic respiratory disease, severe depression, psychotic disorders, previous history of head trauma with consciousness loss, history of alcohol abuse

Concomitant medications: anti-neoplastic agents including hormone therapy, anti-parkinsonians, anti-psychotics, anti-manic and antiepileptic drugs, anti-rheumatics, anti-coagulants, corticosteroids immunosuppressants, opioids, drugs for alcoholism, psychostimulants

Education: less than 5 years of full-time studies.

Mini-mental state examination (MMSE): score ≤ 12

  1. These eligibility criteria were defined according to selection requirement commonly observed in dementia trials