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Table 4 Cardiovascular risk factor data for all randomized patients, showing mean baseline values and changes at week 12 (data shown by treatment period, by treatment sequence, and for all patients)

From: Randomized crossover trial of a modified ketogenic diet in Alzheimer’s disease


First treatment period

Second treatment period

All patients

Treatment effect

Ketogenic-usual diet (n = 13)

Usual-ketogenic diet (n = 13)

Ketogenic-usual diet (n = 13)

Usual-ketogenic diet (n = 13)

Ketogenic diet (n = 26)

Usual diet (n = 26)

Weight (kg)


86.1 ± 18.4

75.5 ±  11.5

85.2 ±  17.5

75.0 ±  10.8

80.5 ±  15.8

80.4 ±  15.4

−2.62 ±  3.29 (P = 0.0017)

Change at week 12

−2.54 ±  3.66

−0.50 ±  1.82

+ 1.29 ±  1.39

− 1.90 ±  1.22

−2.22 ±  2.69

+ 0.40 ±  1.83

Body mass index


27.8 ±  5.9

26.6 ±  2.7

27.6 ±  5.5

26.5 ±  2.7

27.1 ±  4.5

27.1 ±  4.3

− 0.95 ±  1.35 (P < 0.001)

Change at week 12

− 0.95 ±  1.40

− 0.17 ±  0.63

+ 0.44 ±  0.50

− 0.68 ±  0.42

− 0.81 ±  1.02

+ 0.14 ±  0.64

HbA1C (mmol/mol)


34.4 ±  3.2

38.5 ±  6.6

35.7 ±  3.0

40.5 ±  9.3

37.5 ±  7.5

37.1 ±  5.2

− 2.73 ±  5.17 (P = 0.0047)

Change at week 12

− 0.88 ±  1.27

+ 0.23 ±  1.59

0.00 ±  2.00

−4.35 ±  7.00

−2.61 ±  5.24

+ 0.12 ±  1.77

Triglycerides (mmol/L)


2.45 ±  1.19

2.00 ±  0.89

2.20 ±  0.82

1.84 ±  0.55

2.15 ±  0.96

2.10 ±  0.84

− 0.32 ±  1.34 (P = 0.20)

Change at week 12

− 0.43 ±  1.18

− 0.06 ±  0.92

+ 0.20 ±  0.83

− 0.07 ±  0.66

− 0.25 ±  0.96

+ 0.07 ±  0.87

HDL (mmol/L)


1.30 ±  0.30

1.49 ±  0.40

1.40 ±  0.34

1.55 ±  0.40

1.43 ±  0.37

1.45 ±  0.37

+ 0.36 ±  0.32 (P < 0.001)

Change at week 12

+ 0.27 ±  0.26

− 0.02 ±  0.23

− 0.04 ±  0.13

+ 0.40 ±  0.28

+ 0.33 ±  0.28

−0.03 ±  0.18

LDL (mmol/L)


2.68 ± 1.19

2.64 ± 0.88

2.83 ± 1.21

2.65 ±  0.85

2.67 ±  1.01

2.73 ±  1.04

+ 0.38 ±  1.06 (P = 0.039)

Change at week 12

+ 0.16 ±  0.69

−0.21 ±  0.55

+ 0.30 ±  0.56

+ 0.69 ±  0.87

+ 0.42 ±  0.81

+ 0.04 ±  0.61

Total cholesterol (mmol/L)


5.08 ± 0.96

5.05 ±  0.95

5.22 ± 1.22

5.02 ±  0.92

5.05 ±  0.92

5.13 ±  1.07

+ 0.62 ±  1.23 (P = 0.012)

Change at week 12

+ 0.29 ±  0.63

−0.26 ±  0.65

+ 0.35 ±  0.50

+ 1.04 ±  0.94

+ 0.66 ±  0.87

+ 0.04 ±  0.65

  1. Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation
  2. Regarding withdrawals, regression imputation was used to calculate the value at week 12
  3. Treatment effects and P values refer to the difference between the ketogenic and usual diet mean within-individual change at week 12 (for all patients)
  4. HbA1C glycosylated haemoglobin, HDL high-density lipoprotein, LDL low-density lipoprotein