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Table 1 Demographic, clinical, genetic, and biomarker data of the entire group

From: Association of weight change with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and amyloid positron emission tomography in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease


No. (%) with available data

Mean (SD)/no. (%)

Age at follow-up, years

408 (100)

61.2 (4.7)

Female sex

408 (100)

246 (60.3)

Education, years

408 (100)

13.5 (3.6)

APOE-ɛ4 non-carriers

408 (100)

182 (44.6)

APOE-ɛ4 heterozygous

190 (46.6)

APOE-ɛ4 homozygous

36 (8.8)

Negative AD family history (%)

408 (100)

21 (5.1)

Positive AD family history, onset ≥ 75 years (%)

124 (30.4)

Positive AD family history, onset < 75 years (%)

263 (64.5

CSF Aβ42/40 ratio

387 (95)

0.075 (0.02)

CSF pTau, pg/mL

387 (95)

16.2 (7.6)

CSF tTau, pg/mL

387 (95)

197.3 (73.3)

CSF NfL, pg/mL

387 (95)

82.7 (30.5)

CSF neurogranin, pg/mL

387 (95)

798.7 (331.6)

FTM-PET uptake, centiloids

352 (86)

2.9 (17.0)

FTM-PET positive visual reads

350 (86)

45 (12.9)

PACC-like change/year

406 (99.5)

0.108 (0.5)

BMI at baseline, Kg/m2

408 (100)

26.8 (4.0)

% weight change/year

408 (100)

0.049 (1.5)

Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

406 (99.5)

127.3 (14.3)

Total cholesterol, mg/dL

408 (100)

203.5 (30.5)

Triglycerides, mg/dL

408 (100)

99.4 (58.8)

HbA1c, %

402 (98.5)

5.5 (0.4)

HADS total score

407 (99.8)

7.0 (5.1)

Physical exercise, MET per week

408 (100)

3768.0 (2806.8)

MEDAS score

395 (96.8)

9.3 (2.0)

  1. SD standard, FTM-PET [18F] flutemetamol positron emission tomography, BMI body mass index, HbA1c glycated hemoglobin, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, MET metabolic equivalent of task, MEDAS Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener