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Table 1 Summary of behavioural and pathological endpoints investigated in the two cohorts of male rTg4510 mice

From: Tracking progressive pathological and functional decline in the rTg4510 mouse model of tauopathy

Cohort 1


12-15 months

Behaviour: spontaneous Y-maze continuous alternation, locomotor activity, Rotarod, aversive Y-maze spatial reference memory, rewarded T-maze alternation, Y-maze spatial novelty preference and rewarded Y-maze visual discrimination.

CC(9) WW(9)


Pathology: immunohistochemistry



Cohort 2

4 months

6 months

8 months

10 months

12 months

Locomotor activity

CC(93) WW(30)

CC-d(37) CC(38) WW(19)

CC-d(36) CC(37) WW(19)

CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(9)

CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(9)

Rewarded T-maze alternation

CC(93) WW(30)

CC-d(37) CC(38) WW(19)

CC-d(36) CC(37) WW(19)

CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(9)

CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(9)




Y-maze spatial novelty preference

CC(16) WW(11)


CC-d(17) CC(18) WW(10)


CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(10)

Aversive Y-maze spatial reference memory

CC(16) WW(11)


CC-d(17) CC(18) WW(10)


CC-d(19) CC(18) WW(10)




Immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR






  1. 12-month-old male rTg4510 mice from the first cohort were tested in seven behavioural assays, as ordered in the table, and then perfused for immunohistochemical assessment of tau pathology
  2. Male mice from cohort 2 were tested from 4 to 12 months in the four pre-defined assays. Following behavioural testing in locomotor activity and T-maze alternation at 4 months, CC animals were split into two treatment groups: doxycycline (CC-d) and non-doxycycline (CC) and tested longitudinally every other month in these two assays until 12 months. At 4, 8, and 12 months, subsets of animals were tested in the Y-maze spatial reference memory and novelty preference assays after which they were all perfused for immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR analysis
  3. Arrows indicate animals removed from the longitudinal study and undergoing further behavioural testing and perfusion
  4. (n) = number of mice per group at time point
  5. CC non-doxycycline treated bi-transgenic rTg4510, CC-d doxycycline-treated bi-transgenic rTg4510, RT-qPCR reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction, WW wild-type rTg4510